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Are you Libii? AppZUMBi generated this developer profile and apps from content on Google Play.

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Libii is committed to creating innovative games for kids and has also been concentrating on the better designs of our products as well as the fluid operations for our dear users. We’ll keep working on establishing a good relationship with our customers and bringing a healthy, happy atmosphere for them.

Founded in 2012, Libii has released plenty of apps with various themes and series on IOS, Google Play and Amazon, which also wins us over 300 million downloads!

Several products of Libii have been ranking on Top 50 of KIDS GAMES, U.S. and some of the best have been listed on Top 10 of FREE TOP GAME for a long time. Among these popular apps, the affection of our salon games for girls has gained us good graces from our little fans and their parents.

Above all, offering you a satisfying experience is our original intention. To this end, Libii will blaze new trails in a pioneering spirit and make more amazing games in the coming future.

# of apps = 10
Apps by Libii

Apps by Libii

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