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Are you ButtonBeats? AppZUMBi generated this developer profile and apps from content on Google Play.

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Developer Portal Image was launched in august of 2007 by me, Jason. I had a set of music samples I wanted to mix up and I didn't have any software available so I made a program to mix them up. My friend came over and was playing the program for over an hour. So I thought It would be cool to upload it to the internet. So I bought the domain name and uploaded a few different programs I made. A short time later I made the piano. After about a year I got my friend Everett involved in producing the site and getting the name out there. From there we had a friend Ariel that made music. Ariel, Everett and I spent many afternoons recording sound samples,editing the samples, designing ui, making beats, ordering beats, designing t shirts, stickers, programming and barbecuing.
# of apps = 12
Apps by ButtonBeats

Apps by ButtonBeats

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