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My name is Patrick König and I'm the founder of koenigZ. The company was founded in 2014 and is located in Germany.

Most people think that koenigZ is a very big company that got a bunch of people behind it. Exactly the opposite is true because I'm the only one working for it.

This leads to several advantages and disadvantages. The most important advantage is that I can do whatever I want. There is no one else telling me what I got to do but on the other side it often takes much longer to provide updates or to finish new projects.

I'm doing all this for hobby only but I still take it very serious when it comes to quality. I try to achieve a good quality in all of my projects and I listen to all of your ideas and criticism. I'm very experienced when it comes to programming but programming alone is not sufficient to create a great game. There is still a learning process because you guys want features I did not even think of. You literally give me a new challenge every day.

If you got some more suggestions or you even got an idea for an entire new game please feel free to contact me. I love all of your feedback and you can be sure it got heard even though I cannot always reply to all of them.

At this point I want to thank you. Yes I mean exactly you. You supported me and my apps. You gave suggestions and helped to solve problems. And you understood when it took a little longer. Thank you very much! I will continue to work on my current projects and also on new projects. Please do not stop what you have done because it matters more than you might suppose.

# of apps = 16
Apps by Patrick König

Apps by Patrick König

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