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Categories: Action

Content Rating: Teen

Quick Description:
Welcome to Survival Games District 2 - an FPS block game were survival is your quest. After Successfully battling in the Survival Games

Survival Block Games 2 - FPS

Welcome to Survival Games District 2 - an FPS block game were survival is your quest.

After Successfully battling in the Survival Games - District 1, your enemies have taken you captive and you are now being housed in the Detention Center at the heart of District2.

This district is where the Capital City produces houses it's worst criminals (freedom fighters), so be sure to eliminate all military personnel, but be careful not to Kill any of the civilians or other prisoners. Your resistance movement will need their co-operation if you are to ever conquer the evil government regime currently in place.

If you are having a hard time telling Freedom Fighters apart from the Capital goons a good hint that you have found an enemy, is they will try killing you…. freedom fighters on the other hand, don’t normally do that.

4 Unique Enemies
10 Awesome Weapons and Pickups
3 Stunning Levels
Completely addictive gameplay
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