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Price: $3.99


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Categories: Entertainment

Content Rating: Everyone

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An entire music library for young children packed with 120 songs, many of them educational. This Super Toddler Jukebox makes it easy for kids to

Toddler Jukebox: 120 songs

An entire music library for young children packed with 120 songs, many of them educational. This Super Toddler Jukebox makes it easy for kids to explore and listen to their music with a simple and intuitive design.

10 full albums that explore a wide range of educational and fun topics: Letters & Reading, Animals, Going Places, Playing, Good Habits, Numbers & Math, Singing & Music, Oldies But Goodies, Ramping Up Basics and Growing Up!

4+ hours of uninterrupted music to learn, sing-along and just have fun. You can shuffle all songs or play them in order.

Select albums by tapping on the icon or swipe across the screen to switch discs. Then tap icons on the red petals to choose a song.

Letters & Reading
1. Sing-a-Ling
2. The ABC Song
3. This Is the Sound
4. Old MacDonald’s Letter Farm
5. Letters That We Write
6. Learning Our Short Vowels
7. Learning Our Long Vowels
8. I Like to Write, Spell and Read!
9. Alphabet Rock
10. ABC Nursery Rhyme Game
11. A Is For Alligator
12. A Little Cat, Cat, Cat

Singing & Music
1. The Muffin Man
2. The Wheels On the Bus
3. There’s a Hole In the Bucket
4. The Bear Went Over the Mountain
5. Sing Your Way Home
6. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
7. Jack & Jill
8. I Met a Bear
9. Hickory Dickory Dock
10. Betty Bunny
12. Hey Diddle Diddle

1. What Is a Mammal
2. The Tigers Loose
3. The Peacock Song
4. If I Only Had a Dog
5. Sea Otter Won’t You Play With Me
6. King of the Beasts
7. Look at the Monkeys
8. Froggy You’re So Green
9. Do You Know What Has a Trunk
10. Can You Name That Animal Sound?
11. Bought Me a Cat
12. How Many Ducks?

Going Places
1. Big Rock Candy Mountains
2. A Sailor Went to Sea
3. A Pilot Flies Her Plane, Plane, Plane
4. A Bulldozer Operator I Will Be
5. The Upward Trail
6. Traveling Is a Dream
7. This Is the Way
8. My Home’s In Montana
9. When Johnny Comes Marching Home
10. My Aunt Came Back
11. I’ve Working On the Railroad
12. I Love the Mountains

1. Turkey In the Straw
2. Do Your Ears Hang Low
3. The Old Gray Mare
4. It’s Raining, It’s Pouring
5. If You’re Happy and You Know It
6. Down By the Station
7. A Tisket, a Tasket
8. Old Brass Wagon
9. Playmate
10. Polly Wooly Doodle
11. The Farmer In the Dell
12. The More We Sing Together

Good Habits
1. Time for Bed
2. Two Is Safer Than One
3. It’s Time to Clean Up
4. Zip, Button, Buckle and Tie
5. Follow My Directions
6. Learning Our Safety Rules
7. My Feelings
8. Just Get Dressed
9. The Buddy System
10. The Tag Goes In the Back
11. You’ve Got to Talk Talk Talk
12. Say “Please” and “Thank You”

Math & Numbers
1. Ten In The Bed
2. Ten Little Fish
3. Counting by Tens
4. One Lonely Bird
5. Counting to Twenty
6. Five Little Skunks
7. I Can Count from 1 to 20
8. Just One More
9. Counting to Ten
10. I Can Add
11. Learning to Add Is Fun
12. Six Little Ducks

Oldies But Goodies
1. Buffalo Gal
2. Jimmy Crack Corn
3. Shortnin’ Bread
4. Billy Boy
5. Did You Ever See a Lassie?
6. Clementine
7. My Teacher Said…
8. Erie Canal Song
9. Little Wheels A-Turnin
10. Down In the Valley
11. A-Hunting We Will Go
12. She’ll Be Coming ‘round The Mountain

Ramping Up Basics
1. There’s No One Like Me
2. Singing the Seasons
3. Sing Through the Year
4. Let Everyone Claps Hands Like Me
5. I Can Do It
6. Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends
7. Dress for the Weather
8. Days of the Week
9. Jump Rope Rhyme
10. Colors
11. Learning My Shapes
12. Look Up High Look Down Low

Growing up
1. When I Grow Up I Want to Be an Astronaut
2. Yankee Doodle
3. Today Is My Birthday
4. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
5. Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone
6. Many Jobs to Choose From
7. Make New Friends
8. Silly Time
9. I Have a Wiggly Jiggly Tooth
10. I Can Wiggle
11. Down by the Bay
12. Let’s Build a Snowman
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