Play Wordoku Frenzy. A new twist on Sudoku with words.
Three modes of play:
-Classic mode where you are given a partially solved puzzle and must fill in the
remaining letters.
-Free play. You are given an empty grid to fill in from scratch.
-FRENZY! An extension of the classic game only the entire board shuffles every 30 seconds
to liven things up a bit.
-Choose from 10 font types to change up your puzzle experience.
-Choose grid sizes from 3x3 to 20x20.
-Over 20,000 word to choose from.
-Each game gives you the option of choosing from a list of words,
producing a random word, or creating your own word!
-Four skill level of play.
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wazumbi@wazumbi.comApp Website:
www.wazumbi.comScreen Shots of Wordoku Frenzy Puzzle