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Categories: Tools

Content Rating: Everyone

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A Flooring Calculator! This app includes a HELP file to explain the button's usages.

Flooring Calculator Free

A Flooring Calculator!

This app includes a HELP file to explain the button's usages.
This app is designed for PHONES and TABLETS, portrait or landscape.

This calculator has all of the normal calculator buttons along with six(6) flooring specific buttons.
Calculate yardage for 15', 12', 6'6" and 6' at the press of a button. Simply enter the length. Great for CARPET OR VINYL

A Sqyd button and a Sqft/9 button are also included. These buttons calculate yardage but do not incorporate
waste of any kind. The results are net.

To use the Sqyd button, simply enter a room size and press it for the net square yards of the area.

The Sqft/9 button converts square footage to square yardage. Simply enter the square footage and press Sqft/9.

These flooring buttons are designed to save time and keystrokes(or touches).

Please remember that the Sqyd button and the Sqft/9 button DO NOT INCORPORATE WASTE OF ANY KIND.

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